Attachment-Based Therapy and Parts Work in Sacramento, CA and virtually throughout California and Texas
Bring balance and harmony to all parts of yourself and live and connect more intentionally.
You are trying to live in the present but parts of you, parts from childhood, your attachment wounds, are stuck in the past.
Does this sound familiar?
You get into an argument with your partner and you know you want to communicate clearly, respectfully, and honestly but in the moment you get defensive, shut down or start yelling, and it is almost like it is not you responding at that point, it is someone else.
You are working on something challenging and trying to affirm yourself and your progress but there is a voice inside that keeps criticizing you and saying you are not good enough or doing enough.
You want to get consistent with a self-care habit or break away from an old harmful habit, your commitment is strong, your reasons are clear, but when it comes time to actually do the thing, you just cannot seem to follow through.
It is easy to get critical of ourselves in these moments and to believe that we need to push harder, try more, and just be better. Internal Family Systems and part-work gives us a more effective and more compassionate way of working through these things.
You want to understand how you connect, heal the pains that prevent you
Attachment-based therapy and parts work can help you get there.
Understand the root of your patterns and open up new ways of living and connecting.
You can learn to clearly understand ways that you connect, the things that get in the way of connection in your life, and what you need to build deep and secure connections. You can do the the discovery, healing, and growth that will make this next chapter one of compassion, clarity, and meaning.
This can look like learning to love yourself more deeply, figuring out what nourishing relationships look like for you, discover the ways that you need to re-parent yourself and heal those attachment wounds so you can transform how you connect with others.
This can look like discovering how you and your parts can find calm together, develop an inner dialogue that creates safety and regulation instead of fear and escalation so you can work with your parts instead of against them.
This can look like freeing parts of you to fulfill their roles in new ways so that an inner critical voice can change into encouraging one, a fearful part of you can change into a wise counselor, and an angry or wounded part of you can change into a strong and intentional protector.
Attachment-based therapy can transform the way that you understand yourself, your relationships, and the people you love. Here’s how it works…
Here is the journey: Identify and understand the parts of yourself, pinpoint your patterns, heal attachment wounds, and open new ways of living and loving.
Let’s Break that Down a Little More
Identify and understand all the parts of yourself: your attachment style starts forming when you’re just a baby and it lays the foundation for how you will connect with others, and the parts of yourself, for the rest of your life. Pain, challenges, abandonment, or instability in those early connections leaves us with wounds and throughout our lives, different versions of us learn to cope with or deal with trauma, pain, and challenges with whatever tools we have available to us at the time. This often means parts of us are still acting out of pain, fear, and old habits and tools that are out of line with our current reality.
Pinpoint your patterns: we get to know the parts of you and the patterns in how they show up in the present. Maybe you have an angry inner child part that pops up when you are feeling abandoned. Maybe you have an inner critic part that pops up whenever you are trying new things. Maybe you have a fearful part that pops up at the beginning of new relationships. We get to know these parts, with openness and compassion, their fears, what they are trying to do to help or protect us, and more so that we can help them to fulfill roles in new ways and create new patterns.
Heal attachment wounds and find balance between all parts of the self: I help you to learn practices for healing the wounds, pain, and challenges that get in the way of different parts of you finding new ways to show up. We engage in self-soothing practices, visualizations, and inner dialogues so that you can free these parts to act in ways that align with your values.
Open new ways of living and loving: open new ways of loving yourself and other people in your life. Access confidence, security, and vulnerability that you never knew was within you.